Caste Discrimination

  India is a vast country which is known for their oldest cultural and festivals . In  India culture rooted deep in the country also various problems . we are a country that has a prevalent problem of Casteism. Historically, the caste system is based on the jobs adopted by the person based on birth. Now ;

-What is casteism ?

Casteism is discrimination based on caste , gender of a person . It is a great social evil that needs to be done away with . It is responsible for stopping the country from developing .Basically the religious and social circles dictate Casteism in India . Mostly , people living in rural areas are facing this problem tremendously .The caste system is a social evil that has been prevailing in Indian society for long .It leads to discrimination and hampers harmony. This problem is centuries old and needs time to abolished completely.

During the early times , the villages were segregated on the basis of their caste . They were made to live in separated colonies . Even the place for buying food or getting water was segregated from those of the upper castes . For instance , the highest caste i.e.  Brahmin which is also known as Pujari  never touched anything which belonged to a person of a lower caste . Moreover , they were denied entry into temples as they though them to be impure . 

Casteism is a great social evil that must be fought against . We need to get rid of this unjust system . Moreover , it only exploits the lower casts sector and mends out ruthless treatment . The lower caste people are working hard and making a place for themselves in society today . And If we saw current situation that  in this pandemic " Covid-19 " these are the real heroes . 

For this we need to abolish this social evil right away for a progressive India . Just because a person is born into a lower caste family , does mean it will determine their value .  Cast is nothing but a concept with no reference to the worth of a person . Our Indian government also tries to help the lower caste through their  various acts and laws to stop this practice in which Reservation system is one of them  . By this they can rise and at a level this casteism is abolish .To enjoy true freedom, it is our duty as a citizen to stop discrimination based on caste and make people aware of the same.


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