
Caste Discrimination

I ndia is one of the richest and oldest civilizations in the world. India is a country with a vast diversity of people living in it. The caste system in India is prevalent since ancient times. It is a social evil but still holds a prominent place in Indian culture. There is mention of the caste system in scriptures as well. It is based on tribe, religion, caste, and creed of people. Although, the concept has changed a lot still path is long.  The caste system in Indian culture is prevailing for ages.   There are many stories about how the caste system originated. Some are historical while some are religious and biological.  According to Rig Veda , the human was formed by, “Purush” by destroying himself. The head was made Brahmans, hands were transformed to Kshatriyas, Vaishyas from thighs, and Shudras from feet. But apart from these four there was one more caste. T he caste system had a lot of negative impacts. It deprived the citizens of their rights. It hindered thei...

Caste Discrimination

   I ndia is a vast country which is known for their oldest cultural and festivals . In  India culture rooted deep in the country also various problems . we are a country that has a prevalent problem of Casteism.  Historically, the caste system is based on the jobs adopted by the person based on birth .   Now ; - What is casteism ? Casteism is discrimination based on caste , gender of a person . It is a great social evil that needs to be done away with . It is responsible for stopping the country from developing .Basically the religious and social circles dictate Casteism in India . Mostly , people living in rural areas are facing this problem tremendously . The caste system is a social evil that has been prevailing in Indian society for long  .It leads to discrimination and hampers harmony.  This problem is centuries old and needs time to abolished completely. During the early times , the villages were segregated on the basis of their caste . Th ey we...

Caste Discrimination

T oday the caste system is one of the major issues that people are facing. It is basically a system that separate peoples on the basis of their caste. However, it is a very common issue in India. It is present for a very long time in our country.  Many people believe in it and many people don’t. It depends on the thinking and mindset of an individual. Some people are against this system and on the other hand, some are in support of this. It is basic ally a kind of division between the people on basis of their caste .      I ssues like untouchability and casteism are still common in rural areas of India . The reason for this is the deep rooted traditions of casteism. Not just adults, even children are subjected to this form of discrimination . Be it in the community, schools or even the playground, many children face humiliation because of caste discrimination. There have been instances where during the mid-day Meals served in schools, children of schedule castes ha...

About Caste Discrimination

C aste discrimination is a highly politicised and sensitive issue in India. Despite constitutional safeguards and special legislation for the protection of the country’s 201 million ‘scheduled castes’ (the official term for Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist Dalits), violations of their fundamental human rights continue on a massive scale. Key issues include access to justice and rising violence against Dalits, multiple discrimination against Dalit women, slavery and child labour, discrimination in education, untouchability and access to basic services including humanitarian aid, social and economic rights and shrinking space for Dalit human rights defenders.  Caste discrimination is basically  a  system  that separate peoples on the basis of their  caste .   India's caste system is among the world's oldest forms of surviving social stratification.  The system which divides  Hindus  into rigid hierarchical groups based on their  karma (work) ...